12 Nov 2015

Incredible Images – Sharing Creativity

When you’re reading my blog (assuming you’re a semi-regular reader), how often do you notice the images I use?

Great images for bloggers can be hard to come by, especially for free.  When I first started blogging I googled for them which isn’t the best idea with potential copyright issues.  To avoid that I sometimes take my own photos, although they not always as sharp as I’d like.

Wherever possible though, I now source my images from Unsplash (www.unsplash.com). 

Unsplash is a fab-u-lous site, in general but especially for bloggers!!  Any photographer can upload their photos and every week a nominated curator chooses ten of the best.  Those ten – as well as all the previously chosen photos – are on their website, which always feels like a breath of fresh air in the middle of writing a blog post (images instead of words are a good rest for the old eyes!).  You can also subscribe to receive a weekly email showcasing the new ten and I LOVE getting that – it’s a thing of beauty in the midst of the incessant marketing arriving in my inbox!!

And if just the sight of wondeful photos wasn’t enough, they are all free to use and royalty free.  Wowsers!  Free.  Like properly free.  High resolution and seriously great shots too, rather than some of the substandard free ones other sites offer.  And you can use any of them in any way at all that you want.  There’s a link on the website to “Made By Unsplash” where you can browse how other people have applied their creativity using Unsplash photos as their base.

You don’t even have to credit the photographer, although I think it’s bad form not to acknowledge them in some way.  In a world where so many people want to be reimbursed for everything and where most stock image sites only give away pretty basic or boring images for free, I LOVE this.  It makes me want to tell everyone I know about it.

So here we are!!

Whether you can use them for a creative project or just want to admire beautiful photos (a lot of landscapes, but plenty of other things too), then I highly recommend checking them out and signing up for some loveliness in your inbox.

As there are far too many wonderful photos than I could ever use, I thought I’d use this fortnight’s post to share a few more than usual 🙂  These are my ten – I’m the unofficial curator this week, woohoo! – and it was haaard work choosing.  Enjoy (click on any you particularly like to view them in bigger beautifulness)!











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