Category Archives: Updates

30 Sep 2015

Fun and Games with Agents

Once you’ve written the very best book you can, then the next hurdle to get over is agents (no offence, agents!).  I think/hope I’m nearing this hurdle!! I used to be under the impression that once you got an agent you were practically guaranteed a publishing deal.  When I first started writing I probably would have kissed the feet of any agent who offered to represent me.  I still will be…

16 Sep 2015

Me, BAFTA and the BBC

In terms of catching you up as to where I’m at currently, something else I did at the beginning of the summer was to write the script for the first episode of a CBBC-style series.  As you may remember, last year I did a short online course on “Writing Drama” with Oxford Uni and this idea was my assignment for that.  The BAFTA/Rocliffe Children’s Writing comp was coming round again (I hadn’t…

29 Sep 2014

Writing A Winner

When I scrolled through the list of competitions at the Winchester Writers’ Festival earlier this year, I never imagined for a minute that I’d find myself entering the Feature Article one.  For a start there were two children’s fiction categories that I could have entered B4 (codename) into, with very little effort.  More importantly, perhaps, was the fact that I hadn’t written a “professional” article before, although I suppose I…

22 Sep 2014

The Difference A Day Makes

My lack of blogging in the last few months and the reason for this new look blog, are all tied up in the events of a couple of days back in June, when I went to the Winchester Writers’ Festival (you can refresh yourself on my preparation for it here, if you want).  It was an inspiring, challenging and – dare I say it – life-changing conference.  Friday could have just…