Category Archives: Inspiration

06 Dec 2020

How Chocolate Got Me Back in the Writing Groove

After yet another long hiatus from writing (fiction and blog), I’ve finally finished my MA in Public Relations and am slowly getting back into the writing groove! It’s not easy.  I definitely need to be more proactive and deliberate about blocking out writing time and setting goals.  But I did manage to start warming up my creative writing muscle again by entering a short story competition.  The Fortnum & Mason…

24 Jul 2017

What Would Be Your Superpower of Choice?

A few years ago I bought some Fink family discussion cards (which are just brilliant and I totally recommend).  They contain allsorts of questions that not only promote discussion, but enable you to discover a different and deeper side to people! My favourite question in the whole pack was “What would be your superpower of choice?” I didn’t have to think hard at all to answer that.  It’s mind reading. …